<![CDATA[Relax Master Blog]]> Wed, 12 Mar 2025 11:16:39 +0000 en hourly 1 <![CDATA[Gaining Back Your Independence With Our Rise Recliner Chairs]]> Wed, 04 Sep 2013 15:30:45 +0000 For those of you who have had to rely on those around you to help you to sit and stand, you know that you can often feel frustrated by the lack of independence you receive. Whether it is due to old age or a disability, simple tasks such as this can be difficult to carry out by yourself and can often leave you feeling vulnerable if left alone. Here at Relax Master we have the perfect solution to help with this problem and bring back some of your independence.

Our rise recliner chairs are made from quality materials to ensure that you receive the upmost comfort from the luxury of your own home. Installed with the latest technology, our rise recliner chairs are easy to use with a simple remote system to provide easy positioning allowing you to get in and out of your chair. The motorised system also helps to position the chair in an arrangement suited for your comfort, whether it be to sit up or lie down.

For those of you with mobility difficulties this solution is an ideal and practical way for you to be able to carry out this simple task without requiring any help from anyone else. Not only will this allow you to live more freely, it can also increase your confidence and allow you to take more control of your own life.

Not only are our rise recliner chairs practical, that are also something of a luxury. With the option of adding a heat and massage facility within your chair, you can sit back and relax, without the worry of getting back up again.

So if you are looking for a quality rise recliner chair, make sure we here at Relax Master are your first port of call. Call us today on 01902 421 314 to speak to one of our experienced advisors.

<![CDATA[How the Memory Matrix Works]]> Fri, 19 Jul 2013 13:28:20 +0000 Memory foam mattresses have been around for quite a while. Whilst many are aware of their benefits, few know how they actually work, and what this translates to in terms of health, comfort and relaxation every time they go to sleep at night. Here at Relax Master, we’ve gone one further than simply harnessing the benefits of memory foam, creating our very own, completely unique ‘Matrix’ mattress, that comes with its very own set of advantages. As sleep experts, we claim to know a thing or two about this incredible technology, and as such, here is how memory foam, and the Memory Matrix work.

Mattresses in Space

The memory foam material itself was actually a NASA-based experiment, as they tried to find a way to allow astronauts in flight to better contend with the acceleration and deceleration of the craft. When  it transpired that the technology couldn’t be used in space due to the chemicals within the material, it was found to be largely beneficial to us staying with our feet firmly on the ground.

Remember, Remember

The foam itself is an insulating material that adapts and responds to temperature change. When warmth is applied to the foam, it restructures around the object creating the warmth, thus forming an effective cushion. This process naturally lends itself to mattresses, supporting the individual contours of the body in ways no material has ever managed before.

What If I Told You…

The Memory Matrix mattress essentially expands on this premise. Its ‘chocolate bar’ design that divides the foam up into blocks on the surface, actually distributes the weight across the mattress. This eases pressure and means no matter which way you prefer to sleep, you’ll remain comfortable all night. As a result, there’s less chance you’ll wake up to move, and a higher chance you fall into REM sleep, the most regenerative and healthiest kind of sleep you can get.

Similarly the foam blocks allow for better airflow throughout the mattress which in turn increases its longevity. In many ways, it’s an all in one solution to the most comfortable night’s sleep possible, and we’re extremely proud of it.

If you’d like more information on our unique mattress design, or to order yours today, why not give us at Relax Master call! The number to dial is 01902421314 and our team can guide you through all the benefits of the Matrix and recommend the right one for you! Alternatively, simply head over to our Memory Matrix mattress page.

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<![CDATA[How Healthy Sleep Habits Could be your One Big Solution]]> Mon, 24 Jun 2013 16:18:38 +0000 Feeling trapped is one of the worst sentiments to have to contend with on a day to day basis. A subtle feeling of claustrophobia caused by perhaps your own inability to think straight or to shake off the heavy weight of feeling too tired to work makes everything more difficult. Many of us put it down to modern day stresses, to ‘getting old’ or we just accept this is how we are and try to power on through it. The thing is though, we’re almost universally getting less sleep nowadays, and in fact, this could have more impact than you ever considered. Heathly sleeping habits really could turn your whole life around.

I Remember When

How? Well, we’ve discussed before how sleep impacts productivity, your ability to work. Perhaps a better way to describe this though, is not productivity, but ‘innovation’. It’s almost a safe bet to say we look back at the work we’ve done in the past and go ‘why can’t I do that now’, or ‘I wish I were as creative as I was back then’, and that’s when we attribute this to the unfeeling passage of time, a fact of life we have to live with. If you’re not getting good sleep though, that could in fact be the answer.


The prefrontal cortex of the brain, the area most significantly affected by a lack of sleep, controls our ability to think dynamically, it gives us self-control, rationalisation, creativity and innovation. If we’re wondering around on a daily basis without proper, quality sleep, there’s really no wonder we can’t work or create as well as we used to.

Healthy Habits

Whilst we may spend much of our time not sleeping trying to ‘get things done’, and consider those hours a necessity to our day, wouldn’t it be better to take quality over quantity and make the effort to try and restore ourselves? To do so, you’ll need to incorporate some of those healthy sleep habits into your routine:

  • Get a bedtime routine going – go to bed at a specific time every night!
  • Relax – as part of your routine, make sure you keep away from screens for half an hour before bed!
  • Purposely run through your day before bed – get your worries out of your system, write them down where necessary.
  • Avoid all alcohol and caffeine – detox before you sleep!
  • Ensure you’re sleeping in a comfortable position on a quality mattress!

Here at Relax Master, we’re happy to be able to contribute toward your healthy sleeping habits with our adjustable beds. Being able to properly relax in a bed that’s made to support you no matter which position you’re sitting in or lying in will help you get your sleep pattern sorted! Give us a call today to find out more!

<![CDATA[How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep without Giving up the Tech]]> Sat, 08 Jun 2013 11:13:16 +0000 If you’re suffering from poor sleep, and statistically you are, there could be any number of reasons causing it, and worse there are many ramifications. When it comes to finally tucking in and settling down for some good, honest shut-eye at the reasonable hour of 10pm, many of us find it utterly impossible, yet sorely regret that inability the next morning and work day when we inevitably fail to function properly. If you’ve desperately taken to the internet for a solution, you’ll likely have received a barrage of response demanding you to turn off all technology and live like you were in the dark ages for at least an hour before you go to bed. Poppycock, we say. Well, just about.

If having to give up the phone/iPad/Kindle/alternative light-emitting technological device a full hour before you go to bed sounds a little bit nightmarish to you, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Surely, you think, there must be a way I can still get to sleep without having to sit staring at the ceiling in baffled solitude for an hour. And there is.

Phone Light, Phone Bright

The trick is, quite simply, to find that dimmer switch on your glaring device and turn the screen brightness down. You see, the reason technological devices are currently getting all the slack for our sleep deprivation is because of the perpetually bright light they hum out at your face, causing the hormone melatonin, which controls our sleep-wake cycle, to get all disoriented.

According to the Associated Professional Sleep Society though, across a range of devices they tested, only on their highest brightness setting were they emitting the kind of light that would interfere with melatonin levels. They recommended a thorough dimming of the screen, and holding the machine 14 inches from your face.

Combine and Conquer

So there you go, you needn’t shut out the sum of all human knowledge in order to have a good night’s sleep. Of course though, doing anything mentally taxing before bed is going to whirr your brain into an agitated state of attentiveness, so combining your newly dimmed screen with a few other sleep based tips will help! Make an effort to get early exercise each day, write things you’re thinking or worrying about down and get into a routine!

Lastly, make sure you’re all set up with the right conditions for a good night’s sleep. Our Relax Master adjustable beds are designed to do just that, with Memory Matrix mattresses offering unbridled comfort and the adjustable system making it easier than ever to sit and lay right in bed! Give us a call today on 01902421314 for more information!


<![CDATA[Sleep Deprivation Affecting Education on a Global Scale]]> Fri, 17 May 2013 12:40:24 +0000 The benefits of sleep are often obvious, we all like having a nice long lay in to some extent, and whether you’re an early riser, or a night owl, the act of resting and allowing the body to rejuvenate for the right amount of hours is absolutely vital. Without it, we struggle to think cognitively, our memory suffers and our ability to absorb information and learn is also diminished. As you might expect, whilst sleep is necessary and important for all of us, it’s even more important for school children. The latest figures however, show that an astonishing 80% of 13-14 year olds are affected by sleep deprivation, and it’s harming their education.

Boston College conducted an in depth study on the effects of a lack of sleep on our ability to learn and also on which countries have the most sleep deprived children. The United States came out on top with a harrowing 73% of children not getting adequate sleep. Looking closer at the figures though reveals the most concerning results. Reportedly 73% of 9-10 year olds, an age where they are primed for learning new skills every day, were suffering with not enough sleep.

The study goes on to find that the sleep proportionately affected literacy tests and results in maths and science. Chad Minnich of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) who conducted the analysis said "I think we underestimate the impact of sleep. Our data show that across countries internationally, on average, children who have more sleep achieve higher in maths, science and reading.”

Sleep is important for us at any age – we can be better critical thinkers and achieve more success with the right amount of sleep each night, and for many of us, we simply don’t know what to do about it. Here at Relax Master we have a solution.

Our Relax Master adjustable beds are one of the comfiest ways to ensure you’re getting some proper shut eye. Not to mention the bountiful health benefits that come along with LYING on a bed designed to adjust to and support your body. With our Memory Matrix mattresses as well, give us a call today and ask how we can provide you with a solution to your struggle with sleeping! The number to dial is 01902 421 314, and a friendly member of the team will assist you!

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<![CDATA[The Health Benefits of the Memory Matrix ]]> Sun, 12 May 2013 12:07:10 +0000 Whilst blockbuster hit film The Matrix might have depicted a bleak future ran by sentient machines enslaving the human race and provided a neat narrative curvature that would bring such a threat to its untimely demise, it certainly didn’t address the ever growing problems of back pain originating from sleep, which we think is downright careless.

Fortunately, we have a Matrix that does just that. The Memory Matrix mattresses available from us here at Relax Master provide revolutionary comfort via their ingenious design, and furthermore, their general health benefits span a wide spectrum of issues that they could help solve!

If you’re still currently trying to get to sleep on a traditional mattress, then you’re inviting in a heap of problems, perhaps without even knowing it! Back pain, neck ache and general joint discomfort can creep in slowly and once its set, it can affect all aspects of your daily life, from making you more irritable, to unable to concentrate and more tired in general. As it insets, often quite gradually, we become used to it being there and sometimes don’t notice straight away the exact cause of the problem. It’s difficult to fight against an enemy you can’t see, but think about it now –is your back completely relaxed and pain-free? Do your shoulders feel wound up? Are you still using a traditional mattress?

If the answer is yes, then consider the idea of the latest technology, the highest quality, high density foam, a concept originally developed by NASA, soothing you to sleep in a swathe of comfort every night. Sounds good doesn’t it? Here at Relax Master, we’ve sought out the best of the best, the only solution of memory foam mattresses, and the Memory Matrix is the out and out victor.

With the health issues it can offer relief from including everything from arthritis to joint pains, night cramps to leg ulcers, even asthma and heartburn; there really is no reason to put yourself through the suffering of an old mattress.

Give us a call today for the complete comfort solution, whether that’s just the mattress itself, or whether you’re looking for an adjustable bed into the bargain as well, we at Relax Master can supply! That number to call is 01902 421 314, and we look forward to hearing from you!

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<![CDATA[Is Reclining Good For Your Back?]]> Mon, 25 Mar 2013 15:59:26 +0000 So, in the midst of post-National Sleep Awareness Week, in which we trust you undertook our advice and made sure you had a great night’s sleep every day, we thought we’d tackle a different topic this week: reclining. Of course, as we consider relaxing a masterful art, we couldn’t get by without discussing every aspect of the field now could we? And with our latest release, the Relax Master Lift and Rise Recliner Chairs, we thought we’d confront one of the great questions, the one that keeps coming up in our inbox and springing up on discussion boards and in forums throughout the corridors of the internet – ‘is reclining actually good for your back?’

Lounging About

The question arises from the fact that we’re often told not to slouch. Slouching is of course bad for us, and as we sit at our office chairs or at home on the sofa, we know that a bad posture can cause some real problems. Indeed, this even relates back to sleeping at night – bad posture will put extra stress on muscles and cause your body to still be working as you try to nod off! So, is reclining a form of slouching?

Supported Slouching

Whilst it might certainly appear that way, it’s definitely not, and in fact it can even be better for you than sitting upright. In a properly supported reclined position, you take a lot of strain off your lower back muscles. You might find that as you sit at your desk chair, you find yourself shuffling slightly forward and leaning back. This is you naturally adjusting for comfort, to take that pressure away from your back. The problems come when we remain in this position without the proper supports in place which then once again, exerts pressure on the back.

Relieving the stress placed on the ligaments of the spine, warming up and massaging areas of the back and ensuring you’re relaxed overall are three things we’ve designed our recliner chairs to do well. They’re as comfy as they come, and with a number of options for the aforementioned extras, you can create the perfect seating solution for you! Relax in comfort and confidence; give us a call today and find out exactly how!

<![CDATA[National Sleep Awareness Week Kicks of March 10th!]]> Tue, 12 Mar 2013 10:08:33 +0000 Yes we’re coming up steadily on yet another ‘National Day’, and you might be forgiven for presuming that there are now more celebratory holidays than there are ordinary run of the mill days. Still, here at Relax Master, we’re particularly invested in this one as, of course, we’re about to kick off Sleep Awareness Week! So what better time to brush up on those sleeping skills and prepare for a weeks’ worth of quality shut-eye. Who knows, you might even pick up some good habits you’ll want to employ on a full time basis!

Here then, is the official Relax Master challenge. Can you apply these five rules for a week, a single week, and see if they make a big difference to your life? They might well do, and don’t forget to let us know how you got on!

1)      Sounds to Kill Sounds

It might sound peculiar, but many of us toss and turn at night, unable to relax and drop off due to the natural noises, creaks, squeaks and clunks are homes often make as their inner-most workings continue to churn. One way to cancel this out is to play, not necessarily music, but perhaps the sound of rain into your room. We don’t like white noise after we saw that film of the same name a few years ago, but anything that’s familiar and constant that you can get to shut off automatically after a few hours should do the trick!

2)      Luminous Delusions

It’s pretty difficult to sleep whilst a buzzing electric city scape of glowing led lights floods the room in stark blues or greens or yellows. Put a cover over your laptop charger and switch the TV off at the wall to kill those standby lights!

3)      Exercise

We’ve mentioned it before, but even just a few minutes of exercise has proved to give the body that extra, otherwise unattainable jolt that sends you off to sleep easier on the evenings. Be it morning or evening, find a bit of time to work out and you’ll be snoozing silently in no time.

4)      Sleep Management

Fortunately, this doesn’t involve spreadsheets or presentations; you are simply required to look at your sleep phases and aim for very specific bedtimes. It’s called your circadian rhythm and there’s a lot of information available on the internet including a bedtime calculator that ensures you wake up at the best time possible.

5)      Change Your Alarm

Lastly, waking up to a stressful noise is the best way to start a stressful day. Swap out your brain-drilling shriek of an alarm clock for something gentler and stagger your alarms so you wake up smoothly!

An adjustable bed will undoubtedly make sleep easier, perhaps a new one from Relax Master could be the perfect way to celebrate Sleep Awareness Week!


<![CDATA[A Dietary Change: You Are What You Sleep]]> Mon, 25 Feb 2013 10:29:49 +0000 It’s science central this month here at Relax Master as, after our previous post detailing how exactly a better sleep pattern could help you learn and remember further into your old age, this week we’ve uncovered yet more sleep-based research results; perhaps the scientists have been inspired by the Relax Master blog! We presume this is definitely the case. So, what have we discovered? Or more, what might we discover – it seems the study is still on going, but already there have been substantial patterns derived from tests carried out to examine whether our diet directly affects our sleep!

With a huge array of factors that contribute toward our sleep, many of which we have delved into in these very pages, it makes sense that what we eat could also have a positive or negative impact, though, as with anything, balance will always be the key! Essentially, research involving those that sleep too little, too much and roughly the right amount, and their general day-to-day diets has found, at least on a preliminary basis, that there is a distinct pattern whereby those that don’t get the right amount of sleep all eat similarly.

And that pattern boils down to variety. Too long and too shorter sleeping periods seem to be directly associated with less varied diets, those of us that eat the same thing week in, week out. Another interesting result concluded that the fewer hours of sleep we manage to tuck away each night, the hungrier we are during the day – of course this kind of statistic could directly affect diet and potentially it could be one big vicious circle!

So what can you do about it? Whilst the research has yielded no definitive dietary solution to sleeping better, why not try to remember the variety aspect of the results? When you’re hungry, think, what kind of food haven’t I eaten today? Ask yourself if you could try something different, maybe mix your evening meals around and throw in something new! Variety is easy and it could make all the difference to your sleep pattern!

Let us know if you tried altering your diet for a better night’s sleep in your Relax Master adjustable bed! Or any bed! We’re fascinated to hear the results, and maybe we’ll discuss them in a follow up post!

<![CDATA[Old Age Memory Decline Postponed by Sleep! ]]> Wed, 20 Feb 2013 09:42:39 +0000 Neuroscience is a bit of a complicated subject, even for the masterminds of sleep here at Relax Master. Still it plays a vital role in why sleep is so good for us, and why the right balance can correct all sorts of issues we might be having, be that stress, social dissonance and even memory as we’ve touched on before. In a recent report by the BBC in fact, they identified that the right sleep could help our brains stay functioning cognitively for longer as we move into old age! Yet another reason to make sure your sleep pattern is a priority!

Yes whilst there’s little doubt that sleep can help you feel better overall, the extent to which it can have a significant effect on the deeply seated functioning of the brain seems to be consistently variable in each study. Now, it’s a well-known fact that as we get older our ability to remember important things and continue learning decreases. Sometimes with diseases such as dementia, the effects can be incomparably damaging.

So then, how exactly can sleep help to slow these effects? Essentially, a lack of sleep is linked directly to poor memory, that much we know. So the scientists who ran the experiments saw fit to correlate the two during their tests; centring the research around an area of the brain called the medial prefrontal cortex. This little region is imperative for a good night’s rest, or more scientifically, for initiating deep sleep. As this region deteriorates with age, deep sleep happens less often and thus memory and learning ability begins to drop.

Save the medial prefrontal cortex, save the capacity for memory. Unfortunately it can’t currently be completely rescued from deterioration, but there were several interesting further experiments and conclusions drawn based on this idea. Whilst the researchers found that stimulating the region with electricity during the night would invoke better sleep, thus ensuring the area stayed healthy for longer, the overtone of the message is clear: sleep well, enter deep sleep nightly and look after your sleep pattern like any other aspect of your body and the medial prefrontal cortex will stay functional for longer!

That in mind then, have a look through our other recent posts for information on getting off to sleep better, and remember, the more you can put into that pattern, the longer your mental cognitive state is likely to last as you get older! As ever, there's nothing that can help a great night's sleep like an adjustable bed, and that's where we at Relax Master can help!
